Truth knows both what is false and what is true, but falseness knows neither Truth nor falseness. Therefore, no one in the world knows Truth because man is not real but false and incomplete. He is an entity without life and he is a sinner because he makes and lives in his own world that has turned its back on God, Truth. Only Truth can destroy and eliminate falseness and only the master of the original foundation, of Truth, knows the method to do so. In other words, only what is true can eliminate falseness.
During the time of incompletion, many people became ascetics and tried hard to find Truth. However, no one has been able to achieve Truth – if someone had achieved Truth, a method to become Truth would already exist. Because of man’s ignorance he does not know that it is nonsense when someone claims that he, and only he, has achieved Truth.
If one has achieved Truth, he must have a plan, a method, for anyone to do the same. A place that enables one to become Truth can do so because it has Truth. Only Truth can enable one to become Truth and only Truth knows what falseness is, and can destroy and eliminate that falseness, and only Truth can resurrect one as Truth. Therefore, Truth is the Creator.
– Woo Myung