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Cambell Meditation Movie Review- American Hustle

Christian Bale from The Dark Knight, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence from Silver Linings Playbook, and Amy Adams from Man of Steel… the best of the best Hollywood movie stars were casted to make this movie, American Hustle. Due to its casting, the movie made the news even during production. Surely, the movie was nominated for this year’s Oscar for various categories. American Hustle would not be as fancy as Hollywood Blockbuster movies, like the “Transformer” movie series. However, it is fancy and charming enough containing marvelous acting by the leading actors and actresses of Hollywood.
The basic synopsis is that a conning couple, Irving (Christian Bale) and Sydney (Amy Adams), live by scamming others. They lie to people who need money pretending to mediate for them to get a loan and in turn, receive a commission. Then, that’s it. No more interaction with them. But one day, they are entrapped in an undercover investigation carried out by an FBI agent named Richie (Bradley Cooper). They accept Richie’s suggestion to be exempt from sentencing if they cooperate with his investigation. In the meantime, Richie is blinded by greed for his success and forces his reckless plan, which is to put Carmine Polito (Jeremy Renner), a New Jersey politician, into jail by revealing the truth about his corruption. In the beginning, the plan seems to work well because of the intelligent Irving couple. However, soon they become mixed up with the mafia and things go downhill from there. Furthermore, his wife, Rosalyn (Jennifer Lawrence) falls in love with a person in the mafia family and a variety of treacherous events play out.
All of the actors and actresses from this movie act tremendously well. As I watched the movie, I realized that we cannot really know people’s inner minds. We already know so well that human mind is fickle like the weather. That fickle human mind has been depicted very cleverly in this movie. It comes to the conclusion that you can’t trust anyone in the world. Obviously, some exaggeration has been made in the movie because it is a movie. But frankly speaking, let’s think about how fickle people’s mind actually is… There is even a saying that I cannot trust anyone. Ask yourself for real. How many people can you actually truly trust? Human should have no minds. The inside and outside should be the same.
Humans have layers and layers of mind like the layers of an onion. There are countless layers. So it is very natural for humans to change their mind so often. Humans live life with millions of different kinds of minds that always change. That’s why they cannot really know what life is all about. Millions of different kinds of minds that change are all false. Human mind is false because it can disappear when you throw it away. People did not know the method of throwing away the mind because they have not learned it in school or from their parents. But fortunately, now, the method of throwing away the mind has come to the world. If humans throw away their millions of different kinds of minds through a method, we come to have mind of nothingness. When you do not have any mind, you would instead become a wise person, not a fool.
The empty mind of nothingness is the universe emptiness. The universe emptiness is the origin of all of the creations in the world and is the original foundation. And this is also human’s original mind. Human is originally supposed to live with this mind of the origin. As nature also lives with this original mind of emptiness, it is living the life of great freedom and liberation. However, only human has added all kinds of dirty human mind to this original mind. Therefore, only humans don’t live in this world and instead live trapped in the human mind that the self has made. And that mind has become pain and burden.
However, there is now the method of throwing away the mind. Last year, thousands of people became complete by throwing away all of the human mind and becoming the universe mind, that is, mind of oneness and origin. They are living happily and joyfully in the true world.
In American Hustle, the characters have been exaggeratedly expressed to make the story more interesting. But the director might have tried to satirize the reality of the world where people full of greed live with lies and double crosses. It is difficult to find the truth from human. The truth can be found when human subtracts all the layers of his mind; when they disappear completely, there is the mind of the foundation that still exists. That is only the truth. Shouldn’t human live truly by living in the world, not in his mind?
This meditation has the method of throwing away the mind that is false in order to find the mind of the truth. Now, anyone can prove to themselves by seeing their changes through the method, and anyone can live with the mind of the truth in the world. We were actually born in such a fantastic world.60
My Will
Deep into the night, a nameless bird
Sings sadly from a tree.
Long ago, while I was studying
In a mountain temple, steeped in solitude,
The hoot of an owl and the gurgle of a flowing stream
Would sound throughout the night.
Those lonely times of solitude
Have changed to longing.
There was a time when there were countless thoughts
Boiling over like porridge in my mind;
A time chased by my surrounding circumstances
Without having achieved anything.
Now with hindsight I can see that it is fortunate
That even though I had big ideals
I was not able to fulfill them.
I was not a great person;
And I lived disliking myself,
Ridiculing and ignoring myself,
Cursing at myself that I was a wrongful person.
Perhaps this is why I did not have much to repent.
Because I did not have a sense of superiority
And my mind was always humble,
I worked hard.
The result was that I lived well
Compared to the days of scarcity in my childhood.
In the time that has passed silently by,
When I first started teaching Truth in Mount Gaya,
Every night the cry of an owl
Would resonate in my lonely mind.
Everyone who sought me out
Came to me with fifty thousand thoughts,
And as they shed these fifty thousand agonies
They showed the forms of their minds
In fifty thousand ways,
Depending on what minds they had consumed.
Only then did I realize that man is uglier, dirtier
And infinitely more vile than I am.
When I had scolded myself,
Telling myself that I was dirty, ugly,
And the worst person in the world,
It had been an unknowing repentance.
With the title of doe-in,
I awaken people.
I cannot describe the joy I felt
When after sleepless nights meditating together,
Those countless people who had laughed and cried
Within their fifty thousand agonies, enlightened to the Truth.
I had more joy in their enlightenment than I had in mine
And each time man’s consciousness changed from falseness to Truth
That joy was boundless.
I, also, had felt happy when I escaped from the grave
And came out into the world.
It is the first time that people are coming into this enlightenment.
As the founder, the fact that people actually achieved Truth,
Was especially moving.
Even though people’s fifty thousand agonies decreased
As they moved up through the levels,
Inside the framework of ‘self’ that man grimly holds onto to the end,
Those who tried to achieve Truth with their false selves,
Whose false selves try to enlighten to the Truth,
Were unable to ignore their false selves,
Unable to progress further and ultimately did not achieve Truth.
However those who were like bears,
Who did not give up, who were not fickle and had thankfulness
Are still meditating and are close to completion.
Without a sound time has flown by
And another twelve, thirteen years have passed.
I, who started during my mid-forties,
Now my hair has turned grey
And my youth and energy have vanished.
I am at the end of my middle age, entering into old age;
With gray hair and ground down teeth; a wrinkled grandpa.
My body does not move as I will it to, as it did in my youth.
The world is wide and I am living a human life,
With only seventy to eighty years.
I have so much to do in the world
So regardless of whether it is day or night,
I dedicate all my time to teaching Truth to people.
With the thought that I must awaken people in all corners of the earth,
My mind is busy, so busy.
And I am waiting and waiting
For the day when all people have become complete
And all people are able to live.
It is my hope that before I die,
Truth will be spread all over the world
And everyone will be resurrected as Truth.
I pity people; living then dying without meaning or purpose,
It is heartbreaking.
My will is to work hard
So that even one more person may live.

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