Campbell Meditation experience - Vasant / Retired Engineer /Campbell / CA
Campbell Meditation Experience – Meditation Taught Me To Accept The World Gadhi Asan – Campbell, CA Before I discovered this meditation, I really felt like I had reached the end of my rope. I felt like there was always a big, heavy stone in my chest and the pain was so bad that I wasn’t sleeping well. It was stress. I was barely living, carrying the everyday stress and difficulties of my life. Then, I found this meditation. At that time, I started this study sincerely with the intention of getting even a little relief. Even though I have never practiced meditation, this method, made by Woo Myung, was very simple and fun to do. One of the things about this study that I enjoyed was that I could look back on myself. Since I was a child, I had so much inferiority that I always hated losing to others. My tendency was to focus on winning whenever I competed with others. This made my life very lonely because I was always uncomfortable around other people. And other people were uncomfort...